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Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Missions Worldwide

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Saudi Arabia’s Embassies play a crucial role in supporting Saudi citizens abroad and promoting Saudi culture and business interests globally. There are currently 103 Saudi Arabian embassies in various countries. These embassies help strengthen bilateral relations and assist tourists and Saudi citizens in foreign lands.

Additionally, Saudi Arabia operates 20 consulates worldwide, referred to as Saudi Arabia Consulates. These consulates handle a range of services, including visa processing, consular services, and emergency assistance for Saudi citizens and foreigners. They are pivotal for anyone requiring specific help or navigating legal requirements abroad.

Furthermore, Saudi Arabia has three other diplomatic representations known as Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Missions Worldwide. These missions are vital in enhancing Saudi Arabia’s international presence and engaging in various diplomatic activities to promote the nation’s interests globally.

If you are planning to travel to Saudi Arabia or require assistance while overseas, connecting with the nearest Saudi embassy or consulate can provide you with the latest guidance and support. This ensures a safer and more informed travel experience.​


Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Buenos Aires, Argentina

ADDRESS: Alejandro M. de Aguado 2881 , 1425, Buenos Aires, Argentina

CITY: Buenos Aires

EMAIL: aremb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: +54-11-48061581

PHONE: 54-11-48023375,54-11-48024303/+54-11-48020760




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Yarralumla Canberra, Australia

ADDRESS: 38 Guilfoyle Street, Yarralumla ACT, 2600, mailing address P.O. Box 9162 Deakin ACT 2600

CITY: Canberra

EMAIL: auemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.saudiembassy.org.au

FAX: 0262828911

PHONE: +61 (2) 62507000




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Vienna, Austria

ADDRESS: Formanekgasse 38 1190

CITY: Vienna

EMAIL: atemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.embassy-saudi.com/austria-vienna.html

FAX: (0043 1) 367 25 40

PHONE: (0043 1) 367 25 31,367 25 32




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bahrain

ADDRESS: Manama , Building 82 Road 1702 Block 317 Deplomatic Area

CITY: Manama



FAX: 973-533261

PHONE: 973-537722




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Dhaka, Bangladesh

ADDRESS: House 5, Road 83, Gulshan 2 , Road No. 92, Gulshan, 1212

CITY: Dhaka

EMAIL: bdemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40934.aspx

FAX: 0088028823616

PHONE: 0088028829333-29,32,34




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bosnia Herzegovina

ADDRESS: 71000 Sarajevo, Kosevo 44

CITY: Sarajevo

EMAIL: baemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40914.aspx

FAX: 0038733212204

PHONE: 0038733211862




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Brasilia, Brazil


CITY: Brasilia

EMAIL: bremb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Americas/Pages/EmbassyID40928.aspx

FAX: 55-61-32482905

PHONE: 55-61-32483525




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Brunei Darussalam

ADDRESS: Hous 1 Simrang 570 Kampung Salar, Jalan Muara

CITY: Brunei Darussalam

EMAIL: bnemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40935.aspx

FAX: 006732792826

PHONE: 006732792823/ 006732792822/ 006732792821




Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Canada

ADDRESS: The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ottawa , 201 Sussex Drive, K1 N1 K6 Ottawa, Ontario

CITY: Ottawa

EMAIL: caemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Americas/Pages/EmbassyID40930.aspx

FAX:  001-613-2370567

PHONE: (+1) 613-237 4100/ 001-613-2374101/ 001-613-2374102




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in China

ADDRESS: No. 1, Bei Xiao Jie, San Li Tun, 100600

CITY: Bejing

EMAIL: cnemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40942.aspx

FAX: 86-10-65325324

PHONE: 86-10-65324825,86-10-65325325




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in  Havana, Cuba

ADDRESS: The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia 5th Ave. , 4605) between 46 & 60 , Miramar, Playa

CITY: Havana


WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Americas/Pages/EmbbasyID118039.aspx

FAX: 005352144587

PHONE: 005372144590/ 005372144591/ 005372144592




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Czech Republic

ADDRESS: Korunovacni 622/35, Bubenec, Prague 6 , post code : 160 00

CITY: Praha

EMAIL: resa@saudiembassy.cz

WEBSITE: www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/o_ministerstvu/adresar_diplomatickych_misi/cizi_urady_pro_cr/saudska_arabie_velvyslanectvi_kralovstvi.htm

FAX: +420 257 316 593

PHONE: +420 257 316 606




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Denmark

ADDRESS: Copenhagen , Denmark , 8 .1,TV DK- 2100

CITY: Copenhagen

EMAIL: dkemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40918.aspx

FAX: 45-39626009

PHONE: 45 3962 1200




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ethiopia

ADDRESS: Gergos Area, 04 Qabali, House number B 179, 1104 Addis Ababa

CITY: Addis Ababa

EMAIL: etemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.embassy-saudi.com/ethiopia-addis-ababa.html

FAX: 251-11-4425646

PHONE: 251-11-4425643




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Helsinki, Finland

ADDRESS: Stenbackinkatu 26, 00250 Helsinki

CITY: Helsinki

EMAIL: seemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbbasyID118039.aspx

FAX: +358 9 454 3060

PHONE: +358 9 477 8870




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Paris, France

ADDRESS: 5, avenue Hoche, 75008

CITY: Paris

EMAIL: fremb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40922.aspx

FAX: 0033156794001

PHONE: 0033146794000




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in  Accra, Ghana

ADDRESS: No. 10 Noi. Fetreke Street, Roman Ridge Airport, Residential Area, Near Sunpot Hotel, P.O. Box 670

CITY: Accra

EMAIL: ghemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: +





Embassy of Saudi Arabia in  Budapest, Hungary

ADDRESS: HU-1016. Budapest, Berc str. 16

CITY: Budapest

EMAIL: huemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.embassy-saudi.com/hungary-budapest.html

FAX: +36 1 453 35 54

PHONE: +36 1 436 95 00




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in New Delhi, India

ADDRESS: 2, Pashchimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057

CITY: New Delhi

EMAIL: inemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 00911126144244 – 0091114163223

PHONE: 00911143244444




Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in  Jakarta, Indonesia

ADDRESS: Jalan MT, Haryono Kav 27, Cawang, Jakarta – Timur

CITY: Jakarta

EMAIL: idemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40873.aspx

FAX: 0062218005221 – 0062218011527

PHONE: 0062218011533/ 0062218011534/ 0062218011535




Consulate of Saudi Arabia in Italy

ADDRESS: Via P Raimondi, 14 , 00198

CITY: Roma

EMAIL: itemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: +39-6-8558658

PHONE: +39-6-8840807/+39-6-8551641




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Rome, Italy

ADDRESS: Via G.B. Pergolesi 9, 00198

CITY: Rome

EMAIL: ambasciata.saudita@arabia-saudita.it

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40906.aspx

FAX: 0039068558658

PHONE: 003906844851




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Japan

ADDRESS: 1-4-8,Roppongi, Minatoku, TOKYO 106-0032

CITY: Tokyo

EMAIL: jpemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 81-3-35895200

PHONE: 81-3-35895241




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Jordan

ADDRESS: Jabal Amman – Sixth Roundabout, Kurdish – Zahrat Al-Talhoni Building

CITY: Amman

EMAIL: joemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40868.aspx

FAX: 0096265921154

PHONE: 0096265924154/ 0096265924156/ 0096265920155




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Nairobi, Kenya

ADDRESS: Main Muthaigh Rd. Nairobi

CITY: Nairobi

EMAIL: keemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Africa/Pages/EmbassyID40896.aspx

FAX: 00254204045262,00254204045263

PHONE: 00254204062781/ 00254204062782/ 00254204062783/ 00254204062784




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ADDRESS: 4th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, No. 258, Jalan Ampang , PO Box 12002, 50450

CITY:Kuala Lumpur

EMAIL: myemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?InSectionID=2967&InNewsItemID=63892

FAX: 60-3-42578751

PHONE: 60-3-42579825




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Mauritius

ADDRESS: 711 Duncan Street , Hatfield

CITY: Pretoria

EMAIL: mremb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 27-12-3624248,27-12-3624239

PHONE: 27-12-3624231,27-12-3624242




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Mexico City, Mexico

ADDRESS: Paseo de las Palmas No. 2075, Col. (Lomas de Chapultepec), Delegacion Miguel , Hidalgo, 11000

CITY: Mexico City

EMAIL: mxemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/detail.asp?InServiceID=232&intemplatekey=MainPage

FAX: 00525550203160

PHONE: 00525555968845/ 00525555960173/ 00525555960789/ 00525550203161




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Rabat, Morocco

ADDRESS: Avenue Imam Malik – by Zair Km 3.5, Rabat

CITY: Rabat

EMAIL: maemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 00212537639696

PHONE: 00212537657454/ 00212537633738/ 00212537633000




Embassy of Saudi Arabia – The Hague

ADDRESS: Alexander Street 19,, 2514,JM

CITY: The Hague

EMAIL: audiembassy@casema.nl

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40925.aspx

FAX: 0031703561452

PHONE: +31-70-3614391



Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia in Auckland

ADDRESS: New Zealand, Aucland city center , 1Queen St .HSBC Building Level 13, PO Box 105986, Auckland 1143

CITY: Auckland

EMAIL: nzcon@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 006499126659

PHONE: 0800728341/ 006499127808




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Nigeria

ADDRESS: The Royal Embassy Of Saudi Arabia No.6, Orange close Off Thames Street Off Alvan lkoku Way, Ministers’ Hill Maitama , Abuja

CITY: Abuja

EMAIL: ngemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 00234134906

PHONE: 002347098221442/ 0023497822675




Consulate of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan

ADDRESS: No. 14, North Service Road, , Diplomatic Enclave, G-4, Islamabad

CITY: Karachi

EMAIL: pkemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40876.aspx

FAX: 0092512278816

PHONE: 0092512600900/ 0092512600902/ 0092512600903




Diplomatic Enclave of Saudi Arabia in Islamabad

ADDRESS: House No. 14, Hill Road, F-6/3

CITY: Islamabad

EMAIL: pkemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/detail.asp?InServiceID=235&intemplatekey=MainPage

FAX: + 92 – 51 – 2278816

PHONE: + 92 – 51 – 2600900




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Philippines


CITY: Makati City

EMAIL: phemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?InSectionID=3057&InNewsItemID=37460

FAX: 0063228953493

PHONE: 0063228909735/006328564444




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Warsaw, Poland

ADDRESS: Street Stbnska, 55

CITY: Warsaw

EMAIL: plemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40917.aspx

FAX: 0048228405636

PHONE: 0048228400000/ 0048228406599/ 0048228406499




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Lisbon, Portugal

ADDRESS: Av. of the Restelo, 42, 1400-315

CITY: Lisbon

EMAIL: ptemb@mofa.gov.sa


FAX: 3014277

PHONE: 3041750 – 3041751 – 3041752 – 3041753




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Doha, Qatar

ADDRESS: Dafna – Diplomatic Area

CITY: Doha

EMAIL: qaemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40946.aspx

FAX: 007944832720

PHONE: 007944832030/ 007944832711/ 007944832712/ 007944832713




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Singapore City, Singapore

ADDRESS: 163 Penang Road, #03-02/03, Winsland House 2, Singapore 238463

CITY: Singapore City

EMAIL: sgemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40940.aspx

FAX: (65) 6738 5291/6734 062

PHONE: (65) 6734 5878/79




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Pretoria, South Africa

ADDRESS: 711 Duncan Street,, PO Box 13930 , Hatfild, 0028

CITY: Pretoria

EMAIL: zaemb@mofa.gov.za

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Africa/Pages/EmbassyID40888.aspx

FAX: 0027123624239

PHONE: 0027123624230/ 0027123624231/ 0027123624233




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in  Sri Lanka

ADDRESS: No. 43, Horton Place, Colombo 07

CITY: Colombo

EMAIL: lkemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40939.aspx

FAX: 0094112682088 Consular Section Fax: 0094115333237

PHONE: 0094112682087/0094112682089/ 0094115333823/ 0094115333826




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bern, Switzerland

ADDRESS: Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia , Kirchenfeldstrasse, 64 3005

CITY: Bern

EMAIL: chemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?InSectionID=3209&InNewsItemID=90286

FAX: +41-31-3514581

PHONE: +41-31-3521555 /+ 41-31-3521556




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

ADDRESS: Oysterbay , Ali Bin Said Road plot no. 113

CITY: Dar es Salaam

EMAIL: tzemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Africa/Pages/EmbassyID40884.aspx

FAX: 0025522668362

PHONE: 0025522667833/0025522668203




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Thailand

ADDRESS: Mbina Seng Thong Thani, Floor 23 – 24., 28 North through Silom Satron, Bangkok,, 10500

CITY: Bangkok

EMAIL: themb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40936.aspx

FAX: +66-2-6392950

PHONE: +66-2-6392999/+66-2-6392960




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ankara, Turkey

ADDRESS: Turan Emeksiz Sok. No:6 Gazlosmanpsa, 06700

CITY: Ankara

EMAIL: tremb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40938.aspx

FAX: +90-312-4274886

PHONE: +90-312-4685540 /+ 90-312-4685542




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Uganda


CITY: Kampala

EMAIL: ugemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Africa/Pages/EmbassyID40881.aspx

FAX: 00256313340618

PHONE: 00256313340617/ 00256313340616




Consulate of Saudi Arabia in London, United Kingdom

ADDRESS: 30 – 32 Charles Street, WIJ 5DZ

CITY: London

EMAIL: ukemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/detail.asp?InServiceID=3&intemplatekey=MainPage

FAX: +44 (0)20 7917 3255

PHONE: +44 (0)20 7917 3000




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London, United Kingdom

ADDRESS: 30 Charles Street, W1J 5DZ

CITY: London

EMAIL: ukemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Europe/Pages/EmbassyID40923.aspx

FAX: 00442079173113

PHONE: +44 (0)20 7917 3000




Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, United States of America

ADDRESS: 601 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W., Washington, 20037

CITY: Washington DC

EMAIL: usemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Americas/Pages/EmbassyID40932.aspx

FAX: 0012029443113

PHONE: 0012023423800




Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Tashkent , Uzbekistan

ADDRESS: area network Galatasaray – Babur street 3 , main airport road opposite Babur Garden

CITY: Tashkent

EMAIL: uzemb@mofa.gov.sa

WEBSITE: www.mofa.gov.sa/SaudiMissionsAbroad/SaudiEmbassiesAbroad/Asia/Pages/EmbassyID40877.aspx

FAX: 00998711526106 – 00998711400260

PHONE: 00998712815101/ 00998712815104/ 00998712815107



Source : https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/

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💎Transform your face profile with chin filler! 

✨ The difference is striking—enhanced symmetry and definition can elevate your beauty. 
Ready to see the change in before and after photos? 

Ever think of having chin filler?


💎حوّل ملامح وجهك مع حشوات الذقن!

✨ الفرق واضح - التماثل المحسن والتحديد يمكن أن يرفع من جمالك. 
هل أنت مستعد لرؤية التغيير في صور قبل وبعد؟

هل فكرت يومًا في الحصول على حشوات الذقن؟


🌟We are Bizkook Travel🌟
International Wellness & Cosmetic Travel Platform

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#chinfiller #faceprofile #beautifullady #nonsurgicalcosmeticprocedure #lipfiller #cosmeticprocedure #plasticsurgery #medicaltravel 

#حشوات_الذقن #التجميل #عملیات_تجمیل_وجه
After my nose job, I feel like a new person! This transformation has boosted my confidence and changed the way I see myself. Grateful for the journey and the art of plastic surgery!

بعد عملية تجميل الأنف، أشعر وكأنني شخص جديد! لقد عزز هذا التحول ثقتي بنفسي وغير الطريقة التي أرى بها نفسي. ممتنة لهذه الرحلة وفن الجراحة التجميلية!

#plasticsurgery #nosejobinturkey #rhinoplastydubai #beforeandafter #aesthetics
#عملية_تجميل_الأنف  #جراحة_تجميلية
💎Transform your profile and boost your confidence! 

💪✨ Check out this incredible jaw and face angulation transformation for men.

🌟Find best plastic surgeon & travel packages at Bizkook Travel.

💎حوّل مظهرك وزد من ثقتك بنفسك! 

💪✨ شاهد هذه التحول الرائع في زوايا الفك والوجه للرجال.

🌟ابحث عن أفضل جراحي التجميل وعروض السفر في Bizkook Travel.


❤️ Are you intrested?

🌟We are Bizkook Travel🌟

International Wellness & Cosmetic Travel Platform

💻 www.bizkookTravel.com

If you want to get more travel inspiration & wonderful travel packages:

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💎Celebrate the Gentlemen!

Our aim is to soften lines while preserving your natural facial expressions—never to eliminate them completely.

Injecting Botox into men's foreheads requires a keen understanding of muscle structure and authentic facial movements. Our skilled injectors are dedicated to achieving a subtle, masculine look without over-smoothing the skin.

If you love this Botox transformation, let us know in the comments below! ⬇️

🌟Find best plastic surgeon & travel packages at Bizkook Travel.

💎احتفل بالرجال!

هدفنا هو تخفيف الخطوط مع الحفاظ على تعابير وجهك الطبيعية - وليس إزالتها تمامًا.

يتطلب حقن البوتوكس في جباه الرجال فهمًا عميقًا لبنية العضلات وحركات الوجه الأصيلة. يكرس أخصائيو الحقن المهرة لدينا أنفسهم لتحقيق مظهر رجولي رقيق دون تنعيم البشرة بشكل مفرط.

إذا كنت تحب هذا التحول بالبوتوكس، فأخبرنا بذلك في التعليقات أدناه! ⬇️

🌟ابحث عن أفضل جراحي التجميل وعروض السفر في Bizkook Travel.

❤️ Are you intrested?

🌟We are Bizkook Travel🌟
International Wellness & Cosmetic Travel Platform

💻 www.bizkookTravel.com

If you want to get more travel inspiration & wonderful travel packages:

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#botox #menaesthetic #plasticsurgery #BeautyEnhancement #medicaltour #botoxinjections #botoxinturkey #botoxindubai
🇹🇷 Welcome to Istanbul, the heart of beauty and youth in the Middle East! 

🎉 With the Infinite Beauty Festival Tour in Istanbul, you can experience the best cosmetic surgery services. To regain freshness and youth, to design a beautiful face and a Hollywood smile, for fitness and to have an attractive and well-shaped body, everything is waiting for you.

🔶️ VIP Cosmetic Surgery Tour in Istanbul 
At the largest and most equipped boutique hospitals in Turkey 
✅️ Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping Surgery) 
✅️ Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) 
✅️ Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery 
✅️ Lipomatic and Abdominoplasty (Fat Removal Surgery) 
✅️ Breast Lift and Implant 
✅️ Brazilian Butt Lift and Implant 
✅️ Non-surgical Hair and Eyebrow Transplant 
✅️ Gel and Botox Injections 

☎️ Call now for a free consultation and take a significant and satisfying step toward your desired beauty. 
Istanbul is waiting for you!
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