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Embassy of Madagascar

Madagascar Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Missions Worldwide

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Madagascar Embassies are vital centers for Malagasy citizens living overseas and for individuals interested in Madagascar’s culture and business opportunities. Madagascar maintains a total of 18 embassies across the globe to foster friendly relations and assist both tourists and citizens abroad. For those planning to travel to Madagascar, these embassies are invaluable for obtaining assistance and information.

Additionally, Madagascar operates 5 consulates worldwide. These Madagascar Consulates are tasked with handling visa processing, providing consular services, and offering emergency assistance to Malagasy citizens and foreigners alike. They are crucial for anyone requiring specific aid or navigating legal requirements in foreign countries.

Furthermore, Madagascar has established 18 other diplomatic representations globally. These Madagascar Diplomatic Missions Worldwide are key in promoting Madagascar’s interests internationally through various diplomatic activities.

For those looking to travel to Madagascar or in need of assistance while abroad, connecting with the nearest Madagascar embassy or consulate will provide you with the latest guidance and support, ensuring a safe and informed travel experience. To discover more about how Madagascar’s diplomatic network can assist you, continue exploring our detailed guide.



Embassy of Madagascar in Algiers, Algeria

ADDRESS: 22 Street Abedelkader Aouis, 16090 Bologhine B.P. 65, Alger

CITY: Alger

EMAIL: ambadalg@yahoo.fr

FAX: 213 2 95 17 76

PHONE: 213 2 95 03 75,213 2 95 03 89



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar, Australia

ADDRESS: 3rd Level, 100 Clarence Street, Sydney N.S.W. 2000

CITY: Sydney

EMAIL: tonyknox@ozemail.com.au

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 612 92 99 2242

PHONE: 612 92 99 2290



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar, Austria

ADDRESS: Poetzleinsdorfer Strasse 96, A-1180 Vienna

CITY: Vienna

EMAIL: konsulat.madagaskar@vienna.at

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html


PHONE: 1 478 15 22



Embassy of Madagascar in Brussels, Belgium

ADDRESS: Avenue de Turvueren 276, 1150 Brussels

CITY: Brussels

EMAIL: info@ambassademadagascar.be

WEBSITE: www.ambassademadagascar.be

FAX: 2-772.37.31

PHONE: 2-770.17.26,2-770.17.74



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Antwerp, Belgium

ADDRESS: Kipdorp 39, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

CITY: Antwerp

EMAIL: afrex@skynet.be

WEBSITE: www.ambassademadagascar.be


PHONE: 03 326 1 799



Embassy of Madagascar in Ottawa, Canada

ADDRESS: 209, Rue Catherine, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K9, Canada

CITY: Ottawa

EMAIL: ambamadacanada@yahoo.ca

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-embassy.ca

FAX: +613 567-2882

PHONE: +613 567-0505



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Montreal, Canada

ADDRESS: 2160 rue de la Montagne, Bureau 330, Montréal, Québec H3G 2T3

CITY: Montreal

EMAIL: consulgeneralmadagascar@bellnet.ca

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 1 514 849 8008

PHONE: 1 514 847 5252



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Québec, Canada

ADDRESS: 2915, rue Valmont, Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1W 1Y8

CITY: Québec

EMAIL: consulmadqc@videotron.ca

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 1 418 651 8647

PHONE: 1 418 651 8647



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Brossard, Canada

ADDRESS: 1255, rue Romaine – Appt 201, Brossard, Quebec J4X 1M6

CITY: Brossard

EMAIL: julienrandria@videotron.ca

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 1 450 672 1552

PHONE: 1 450 672 0353



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Calgary, Canada

ADDRESS: 8944 Bayridge Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta T2V 3M8

CITY: Calgary

EMAIL: teknika@teknicaltd.com

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 1 403 262 3556

PHONE: 1 403 262 5576



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar, Chile

ADDRESS: Juana de Arco, 2100 Santiago

CITY: Santiago


WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 2 231 7616

PHONE: 2 231 7616



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Hong Kong, China

ADDRESS: 18/F, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Center, 168-200 Connaught Road C., Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

CITY: Hong Kong

EMAIL: carol@hkaii.org

WEBSITE: www.mcarconsulate-hkaii.com

FAX: 85 2 2587 7117

PHONE: 85 2 2587 8223



Embassy of Madagascar in Beijing, China

ADDRESS: 2 Sam Li Tun Dong no3, Beijing, China

CITY: Beijing

EMAIL: ambapek@yahoo.com

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: (86.10) 6532 2102

PHONE: (86-10) 65322571



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Moroni, Comoros

ADDRESS: B.P. 349, Moroni

CITY: Moroni

EMAIL: naivo@snpt.km


FAX: 269 73 51 12

PHONE: 269 73 18 69



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar, Denmark

ADDRESS: Lindevangs Allee 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg

CITY: Frederiksberg

EMAIL: konsulat@madagaskar.dk

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 33 79 55 90

PHONE: 33 55 00 90



Embassy of Madagascar in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

ADDRESS: Kefetagna 17, Kebele 19 House Nr. 629, Bole, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia

CITY: Addis Ababa

EMAIL: amba.mad.addis@telecom.net.et

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 251 1 63 75 62

PHONE: 251 1 61 25 55



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar, Finland

ADDRESS: Hopeasalmentie 6, 00570 Helsinki, Finland

CITY: Helsinki


WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.org/embassies-world.html

FAX: 8 96 84 87 00

PHONE: 8 96 84 81 20



Consulate General of Madagascar in Saint Denis, France

ADDRESS: 29 Rue Saint-Joseph Ouvrier, Saint-Denis, Reunion

CITY: Saint Denis

EMAIL: consulat-madrun@wanadoo.fr


FAX: 262 30 49 24

PHONE: 262 72 07 30



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Angers, France

ADDRESS: 10, rue Grand Launay, 49000 Angers

CITY: Angers

EMAIL: alain.lagae@wanadoo.fr

FAX: 02 41 46 84 52

PHONE: 02 41 55 43 68



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Moulins, France

ADDRESS: 45, Boulevard de Courtais a Moulins, 03000 Moulins, France

CITY: Moulins

EMAIL: consulamad@libertysurf.fr


FAX: 04 70 46 71 19

PHONE: 04 70 44 13 44



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Lyon, France

ADDRESS: 130, rue de Sèze, 69006 Lyon, France

CITY: Lyon

EMAIL: consmadalyon@club-internet.fr


FAX: 04 72 74 18 47

PHONE: 04 37 24 16 56



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Bordeaux, France

ADDRESS: 19, rue Thiac, 33000 Bordeaux

CITY: Bordeaux

PHONE: 05 56 44 78 81



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Le Havre, France

ADDRESS: 1, Quai de Southampton, 76620 Le Havre

CITY: Le Havre

EMAIL: yves.tourres@wanadoo.fr


FAX: 02 35 43 07 16

PHONE: 02 35 42 00 92



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in St Etienne, France

ADDRESS: 21, rue Michelet, 42002 Saint-Etienne

CITY: Saint-Etienne

FAX: 04 77 32 66 63

PHONE: 04 77 37 25 23



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Amiens, France

ADDRESS: 7, rue Duthoit, 80000 Amiens, France

CITY: Amiens

EMAIL: madagascar.consulat.amiens@wanadoo.fr

FAX: 03 22 91 76 73

PHONE: 03 22 92 26 26



Consulate General of Madagascar in Marseille, France

ADDRESS: 234 Boulevard Perier, 13008 Marseille, France

CITY: Marseille

EMAIL: info@consulmada-marseil.org


FAX: 04 91 53 79 58

PHONE: 04 91 15 16 91



Embassy of Madagascar in Paris, France

ADDRESS: 4 Avenue Raphael, 75016 Paris, France

CITY: Paris

EMAIL: infoambamadparis@yahoo.fr

WEBSITE: www.ambassade-madagascar.com


PHONE: 09 83 32 45 15 / 09 83 32 27 55



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Gabon

ADDRESS: B/P 8020, Libreville

CITY: Libreville

EMAIL: andrianjafyhenri@yahoo.fr


FAX: 241 73 78 15

PHONE: 241 73 78 14



Embassy of Madagascar in Berlin, Germany

ADDRESS: Botschaft der Republik Madagaskar, Seepromenade 92, D-14612 Falkensee, Berlin, Germany

CITY: Berlin

EMAIL: info@botschaft-madagaskar.de

WEBSITE: www.botschaft-madagaskar.de

FAX: 49 3322/2314-29

PHONE: 49 3322/2314-30



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Hamburg, Germany

ADDRESS: Habnichtstrasse 41, Hamburg D-22305

CITY: Hamburg

EMAIL: e.k.koll@gmx.de


FAX: 040 61 13 53 11

PHONE: 040 61 13 53 10




Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Munich, Germany

ADDRESS: Berg-am-Laim-Strasse 69a, Munich D-81673

CITY: Munich

EMAIL: rakrebs@aol.com

FAX: 089 76 30 72

PHONE: 089 43 13 675



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Athens, Greece

ADDRESS: 43 Zakinthinoy Street, Papagos, Athens 15669

CITY: Athens

FAX: 210 654 1641

PHONE: 210 652 6012



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Hungary

ADDRESS: Sovény U. 3, 1026 Budapest

CITY: Budapest

EMAIL: konzul@madagaszkar.hu

PHONE: 1 394 1037



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Mumbai

ADDRESS: Ismael Building , Flora Foutain, Mumbai 400 001

CITY: Mumbai

EMAIL: chandrakapadia@hotmail.com

FAX: 22 22 44 45 98

PHONE: 22 22 04 67 35



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in New Delhi, India

ADDRESS: Greater Kailash – 3, New Delhi 110 048, India

CITY: New Delhi

FAX: 11 647 3650

PHONE: 11 644 5820



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Israel

ADDRESS: 2, Arie Shenkar Street, Tel Aviv 68010

CITY: Tel Aviv

EMAIL: shaya@ildeco.il


FAX: 3 796 2746

PHONE: 3 796 2211



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Genoa

ADDRESS: Via G. d’Annunzio 2/56, 16121, Genoa

CITY: Genoa

FAX: 010 59 39 16

PHONE: 010 59 24 90



Embassy of Madagascar in Rome, Italy

ADDRESS: Via Ricardo Zandonai , 84A 00194 Rome, Italy

CITY: Rome

EMAIL: ambamad@hotmail.com


FAX: 39 06 36 32 94 06

PHONE: 39 06 36 30 77 97



Embassy of Madagascar in Tokyo, Japan

ADDRESS: 2-3-23 Moto Azabu, Minako-Ku, 106-0046 Tokyo, Japan

CITY: Tokyo

EMAIL: ambtyo@r5.dion.ne.jp


FAX: (81)-3-3446-7078

PHONE: (81)-3- 3446-7252/3/



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Kenya

ADDRESS: AACC Building, Westlands, 0800 Nairobi

CITY: Nairobi

FAX: 254 20 444 32 41

PHONE: 254 20 445 24 10



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Lebanon

ADDRESS: Okaibé , Kesrouan, 9 444 333, 9 444 333

EMAIL: newsanta_beach@hotmail.com



Embassy of Madagascar in Tripoli, Libya

ADDRESS: Al-Hani P.O.Box 652, Maidan Al-Zajer, Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya

CITY: Tripoli

EMAIL: ambamtri@yahoo.fr


FAX: 00 (218) 21 340 82 56

PHONE: 00 (218)21 340 82 57



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Luxembourg

ADDRESS: 23, rue de Beaumont, L-1219 Luxembourg

CITY: Luxembourg

EMAIL: etude@schaeffer.lu

FAX: 3 52 22 17 37

PHONE: 3 52 22 20 59



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Malaysia

ADDRESS: 3M’s Investments SDN BHD, Box 283, lot 4 116, 4th Floor, Wisma Central, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

CITY: Kuala Lumpur

FAX: 60 321 620 103

PHONE: 60 162 330 103



Embassy of Madagascar in Port Louis, Mauritius

ADDRESS: Rue Guiot, Pasceau Floreal

CITY: Port Louis

EMAIL: madmail@intnet.mu


FAX: (230) 686. 7040

PHONE: (230) 686.50.15./16



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Mexico

ADDRESS: Santisimo 6-A, San Angel, Mexico DF 01000

CITY: San Angel

EMAIL: madysms@prodigy.net.mx

FAX: 52 555 550 7372

PHONE: 52 555 616 1274



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Monaco

ADDRESS: 12, avenue de la Costa, Monte Carlo 98000

CITY: Monte Carlo

FAX: 377 93 15 08 69

PHONE: 377 93 50 62 37



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Morocco

ADDRESS: Corner of Bd Océan Pacifique and Côte d’Emeraude, Anfa, Casablanca

CITY: Casablanca

EMAIL: salahsefrioui@hotmail.com

FAX: 22 60 32 34

PHONE: 61 19 62 43



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Mozambique

ADDRESS: Avenida dos Presidentes 20, Maputo

CITY: Maputo

EMAIL: madagascar-consulate@tvabo.co.mz

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-consulate.com

FAX: 214 771 53

PHONE: 214 864 90



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Netherlands

ADDRESS: Heemraadssingel 97, 3000 CM Rotterdam

CITY: Rotterdam

EMAIL: veder@tip.nl


FAX: 31 10 425 49 40

PHONE: 31 10 425 63 00



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Norway

ADDRESS: Hauges gt. 36 – Parkalleen 3B , 3019-Dammen

CITY: Dammen

EMAIL: malagasy@online.no


FAX: 32 89 63 64

PHONE: 32 89 30 60



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Pakistan

ADDRESS: B-307, Block 6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal , Karachi 

CITY: Karachi

EMAIL: madagascarconsul@aol.com

FAX: 92 481 4673

PHONE: 92 498 3540



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Romania

ADDRESS: 112 calea 13 septembre

CITY: Bucharest

FAX: 01 411 1056

PHONE: 01 781 6218



Embassy of Madagascar in Moscow, Russia

ADDRESS: Koursovoy Pereonlok 5, 119034 Moscow, Russia

CITY: Moscow

EMAIL: info@ambamadagascar.ru

WEBSITE: www.ambamadagascar.ru

FAX: 07 (095) 202.34.53

PHONE: (70.95) 290.02.32 290.01.01



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Jeddah

CITY: Jeddah

PHONE: 23054,23051,23066



Embassy of Madagascar in Dakar, Senegal

ADDRESS: Villa No. 0104, route de Ouakam, Munoz-Sotrec, Dakar

CITY: Dakar

EMAIL: ambamad@sentoo.sn

WEBSITE: www.ambamad.sn

FAX: (221)860 2995

PHONE: (221)860 2987



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Singapore

ADDRESS: 26 Eng Hoon Street, Singapore 169776

CITY: Singapore

EMAIL: malagasy@consulcom.sg


FAX: 65 62 23 63 27

PHONE: 65 62 23 13 16



Embassy of Madagascar in Pretoria, South Africa

ADDRESS: 90 B Tait Street, Colbyn, Pretoria 002, P.O. BOX 11722, Queenswood 0121, Pretoria, South Africa

CITY: Pretoria

EMAIL: ambamad.pta@infodoor.co.za

FAX: 2 71 23 42 09 95

PHONE: 2 71 23 42 09 83



General Consulate of Madagascar in Capetown, South Africa

ADDRESS: P.O. Box 44612, Claremont 7735

CITY: CapeTown

EMAIL: consuk@infodoor.co.za

WEBSITE: www.madagascarconsulate.org.za

FAX: 27 21 674 6716

PHONE: 27 21 674 7238



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Seoul

ADDRESS: Kolon Building, 45 Mugyo Dong, Chung-Gu, Seoul

CITY: Seoul

FAX: 02 311 89 56

PHONE: 02 311 86 26



Honorary Consulate in Yong-In Kyungkido South Korea

ADDRESS: 404 Sinku Green Village, Gomaeri, Yong-ln Kyungkido

CITY: Yong-In Kyungkido


FAX: 02 335 32 78 11

PHONE: 02 335 34 19 96



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Spain

ADDRESS: Roger de Llúria, 85 – pral. 2a, 08009 Barcelona

CITY: Barcelona

FAX: 93 272 19 15

PHONE: 93 272 21 25



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Sri Lanka

ADDRESS: 46/34 ‘Laksari Servana’, Nayam Mawatha, Colombo 2

CITY: Nayam Mawatha


WEBSITE: www.madagascar.consulate.atsrilanka.com

FAX: 074 796 907

PHONE: 074 796 905



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Stockholm

ADDRESS: P.O.Box 7199 10388 Stockholm

CITY: Stockholm


FAX: 86 11 91 40

PHONE: 86 11 90 22



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Zürich

ADDRESS: Kappelgasse 14, 8022 Zurich

CITY: Zürich

FAX: 12 11 80 18

PHONE: 12 12 85 66



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Thailand

ADDRESS: ITF Palace, 30th Floor, Room 774, 160/774 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500

CITY: Bangkok


WEBSITE: www.consulmada-th.org

FAX: 66 2634 5839

PHONE: 66 2634 5838



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Tunis, Tunisia

ADDRESS: 50, Rue 7312 , 1013 El Menzah 9B, Tunis

CITY: Tunis


FAX: 216 71 23 62 62

PHONE: 216 71 87 43 93



Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Turkey

ADDRESS: Büyükdere cad. Krak, 80300 Mecidiyeköy – Istanbul

CITY: Istanbul

FAX: 212 211 7701

PHONE: 212 211 9206



Embassy of Madagascar in London, United Kingdom

ADDRESS: 8-10 Hallam Street, W1W6JE London, United Kingdom

CITY: London

EMAIL: embamadlon@yahoo.co.uk

FAX: 0044 20 3008 4551

PHONE: 0044 20 3008 4550



Embassy of Madagascar in Washington DC, United States

ADDRESS: 2374 Massachusetts, Avenue N.W., 20008

CITY: Washington, DC

WEBSITE: www.madagascar-embassy.org

FAX: 202-265-3034

PHONE: 202-265-5525





Source : www.embassy-worldwide.com

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✨ الفرق واضح - التماثل المحسن والتحديد يمكن أن يرفع من جمالك. 
هل أنت مستعد لرؤية التغيير في صور قبل وبعد؟

هل فكرت يومًا في الحصول على حشوات الذقن؟


🌟We are Bizkook Travel🌟
International Wellness & Cosmetic Travel Platform

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#chinfiller #faceprofile #beautifullady #nonsurgicalcosmeticprocedure #lipfiller #cosmeticprocedure #plasticsurgery #medicaltravel 

#حشوات_الذقن #التجميل #عملیات_تجمیل_وجه
After my nose job, I feel like a new person! This transformation has boosted my confidence and changed the way I see myself. Grateful for the journey and the art of plastic surgery!

بعد عملية تجميل الأنف، أشعر وكأنني شخص جديد! لقد عزز هذا التحول ثقتي بنفسي وغير الطريقة التي أرى بها نفسي. ممتنة لهذه الرحلة وفن الجراحة التجميلية!

#plasticsurgery #nosejobinturkey #rhinoplastydubai #beforeandafter #aesthetics
#عملية_تجميل_الأنف  #جراحة_تجميلية
💎Transform your profile and boost your confidence! 

💪✨ Check out this incredible jaw and face angulation transformation for men.

🌟Find best plastic surgeon & travel packages at Bizkook Travel.

💎حوّل مظهرك وزد من ثقتك بنفسك! 

💪✨ شاهد هذه التحول الرائع في زوايا الفك والوجه للرجال.

🌟ابحث عن أفضل جراحي التجميل وعروض السفر في Bizkook Travel.


❤️ Are you intrested?

🌟We are Bizkook Travel🌟

International Wellness & Cosmetic Travel Platform

💻 www.bizkookTravel.com

If you want to get more travel inspiration & wonderful travel packages:

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💎Celebrate the Gentlemen!

Our aim is to soften lines while preserving your natural facial expressions—never to eliminate them completely.

Injecting Botox into men's foreheads requires a keen understanding of muscle structure and authentic facial movements. Our skilled injectors are dedicated to achieving a subtle, masculine look without over-smoothing the skin.

If you love this Botox transformation, let us know in the comments below! ⬇️

🌟Find best plastic surgeon & travel packages at Bizkook Travel.

💎احتفل بالرجال!

هدفنا هو تخفيف الخطوط مع الحفاظ على تعابير وجهك الطبيعية - وليس إزالتها تمامًا.

يتطلب حقن البوتوكس في جباه الرجال فهمًا عميقًا لبنية العضلات وحركات الوجه الأصيلة. يكرس أخصائيو الحقن المهرة لدينا أنفسهم لتحقيق مظهر رجولي رقيق دون تنعيم البشرة بشكل مفرط.

إذا كنت تحب هذا التحول بالبوتوكس، فأخبرنا بذلك في التعليقات أدناه! ⬇️

🌟ابحث عن أفضل جراحي التجميل وعروض السفر في Bizkook Travel.

❤️ Are you intrested?

🌟We are Bizkook Travel🌟
International Wellness & Cosmetic Travel Platform

💻 www.bizkookTravel.com

If you want to get more travel inspiration & wonderful travel packages:

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#botox #menaesthetic #plasticsurgery #BeautyEnhancement #medicaltour #botoxinjections #botoxinturkey #botoxindubai
🇹🇷 Welcome to Istanbul, the heart of beauty and youth in the Middle East! 

🎉 With the Infinite Beauty Festival Tour in Istanbul, you can experience the best cosmetic surgery services. To regain freshness and youth, to design a beautiful face and a Hollywood smile, for fitness and to have an attractive and well-shaped body, everything is waiting for you.

🔶️ VIP Cosmetic Surgery Tour in Istanbul 
At the largest and most equipped boutique hospitals in Turkey 
✅️ Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping Surgery) 
✅️ Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) 
✅️ Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery 
✅️ Lipomatic and Abdominoplasty (Fat Removal Surgery) 
✅️ Breast Lift and Implant 
✅️ Brazilian Butt Lift and Implant 
✅️ Non-surgical Hair and Eyebrow Transplant 
✅️ Gel and Botox Injections 

☎️ Call now for a free consultation and take a significant and satisfying step toward your desired beauty. 
Istanbul is waiting for you!
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